We’re Cyber Essentials Plus certified

We’ve recently become Cyber Essentials PLUS certified.

We’ve had Cyber Essentials for several years now, but this year we felt that it was important that we become Cyber Essentials Plus certified.

Cyber Essentials is a security standard backed by the UK Government. It is frequently requested by government and private tenders to demonstrate that your organisation has taken best practice steps to protect your systems against the most common cyber-attacks.

“Cyber Essentials” is a self-certification. You are asked to supply answers to a questionnaire and the application is marked and if everything checks out you are CE certified.

“Cyber Essentials PLUS” is the higher level of certification and is a more rigorous test of your organisation’s security systems. It involves vulnerability scans carried out by cyber security experts who will check how robust your systems are against basic hacking.

If you want to find out if your IT is Cyber Essentials certified, you can check here

If you want to know if your systems would be Cyber Essentials certified, please get in touch.

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